Data Consulting - Minkin

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Welcome to my freelance web-homepage.

My name is Dmitrij Minkin and I offer students, researchers and companies professional support in data analysis and –management.
As a foundation for successful data oriented decision making or evidence finding, I offer support in the following key areas:

  • Goal oriented data collection strategy
  • Clean data stream & elimination of compatibility issues
  • Locating of faults and inconsistencies in the data
  • Quantitative data analysis
  • Descriptive and visual presentation of results
  • Interpretation of results and derivation of recommendations
From the elaboration of the strategy, through the collection and the cleaning of the data you can profit from my comprehensive experience in private industry as consultant and in academics as yearlong coach of students and researchers as well author of journal articles.

The main interest of data based analysis consists in the gain of new information, insights and ultimately in the support of decision making. In order to support my clients in uncovering structures, relationships and anomalies, I apply a broad repertoire of statistical modeling techniques, machine learning algorithms as well as descriptive and visualization tools using the programs Stata, R and MS Excel. Profit from my experience in range of projects from different disciplines:

  • Business Economics – particularly finance, risk management, insurance business, human resource research and marketing
  • Economics – particularly research in life satisfaction (happiness studies), labor markets, macro- and micro models for shocks, goods & services, minimal wages, global equity markets, education & wages, behavioral economics
  • Environmental Sciences - Economic growth and contamination
  • Social Sciences – study break-up, student labor market success, commuting, gender wage gaps, health management
  • Psychology – Positive and Negative Affect Schedules (PANAS), social activity & cognitive skill
  • Political Science – voter behavior, democracy and regimes
  • Anthropology – integration of old tribes into monetary markets
  • Sports Science: Performance diagnostics, team-strategies
  • A series of interdisciplinary projects

Are you interested in collaboration? Or do you have further questions regarding a specific method or subject? Please feel free to contact me with a short description of your plan or project at:

You can surely assume that cooperation takes place on a confidential basis and that your data will be handled discretely and with care.

Yours sincerely,
Dmitrij Minkin