Data Consulting - Minkin

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fotoMy name is Dmitrij Minkin and I am freelancing in the area of data management and -analysis. Nowadays one would probably also say data science. The foundation for this was built up during my economics degree at the Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany. After receiving my diploma, I was working for various years in a consultancy in the area of business intelligence and learned to work with data streams in big databanks. Thereafter, I finished a master’s degree in environmental sciences at the autonomous university of Barcelona. Subsequently, I was employed as academic consultant in order to support the faculty with research projects (see below). Additionally, one of my responsibilities was to support and consult the postgraduates in statistical analysis with Stata. At this moment the idea was born to provide my data skills to students, researchers and companies professionally as a freelancer. After a dissatisfying and therefore short attempt to work as data scientist in the marketing department of a catalog firm, I decided to give freelancing a try. After about two years and around 80 successfully completed projects and happy customers, I am glad to be able to say that it was a good choice.

Below you can find a short overview of my academic qualifications:

  • Diploma in Economics – Ruhr-University of Bochum
  • Master of Science in Environmental Sciences – Autonomous University of Barcelona

In between and after my degrees, I worked on some science projects which resulted in a few publications in scientific papers:

  • Minkin, D., Reyes-García, V. (2016). Income and Wellbeing in a Society on the Verge to Market Integration: The Case of the Tsimane’ in the Bolivian Amazon. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(3): 1-19. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-016-9756-7
  • Reyes-García, V., Angelsen, A., Shively, G., & Minkin, D. (2018). Does Income Inequality Influence Subjective Wellbeing? Evidence from 21 Developing Countries. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(4): 1197-1215. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-018-9992-0